Sunday, April 1, 2012

Kiwanis Magazine
A Writer's Guide
KIWANIS magazine is published six times per year—October, December, February, April, June, and August—to more than 160,000 Kiwanis club members, primarily in the United States and Canada. Readers are business and professional men and women and retirees who are actively involved in community service.
KIWANIS magazine content includes two types of articles: general interest articles and articles about Kiwanis activities and members. The magazine’s editorial needs primarily are for articles about the emerging, hot-topic issues impacting young children and communities.
KIWANIS magazine does not publish fiction, poetry, filler items, jokes, opinions or first-person accounts. Do not submit unsolicited manuscripts. Assignments may vary between 50 to 1,700 words in length.
Articles should be written to our international audience. Though most subscribers are in North America, KIWANIS has readers in Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean, Asia, the Pacific, Africa, and Asia.
Articles should be objective and remain true to the assignment’s stated purpose and focus. Substantiate key points with illustrative examples and quotes from persons involved in the subject or qualified to speak about it. Writing style should be smooth, personable and to the point, with anecdotes, descriptions and true human detail included where appropriate.
Refer to the Photographer Guidelines for information about our photography needs and requirements.
Payment is upon acceptance, ranging from US$50 to $750 depending on current editorial need, depth of treatment, manuscript length and other factors.
Demographics To help you identify the audience to whom you are writing, here are some statistics on KIWANIS magazine readers:
Median age—57 
Graduated high school—98%; attended/graduated college—87%; post-graduate degree—31% 
Retired—32%; professional/technical—16%; upper to middle management—18%; owner/partner—11% .
Writers are encouraged to study a recent issue of KIWANIS magazine for a better understanding of the writing styles and subjects used in the publication. To receive a sample copy, send a self-addressed, stamped (five first-class stamps) large envelope to the address listed below. Or you can view the digital or pdf versions at
Photos are not essential, but they are desirable when they add substantially to the impact of the text.  Digital color photos should be in RAW, TIF or other large in high resolution. All photos should be captioned and are purchased as part of the manuscript package.
Payment is upon acceptance, ranging from $200 to $750 depending on current editorial need, depth of treatment, manuscript length, and other factors. Queries are preferred to manuscript submissions.
To help you identify the audience to whom you are writing, here are some statistics on KIWANIS magazine readers:
Median age—57 
Graduated high school—98%; attended/graduated college—87%; post-graduate degree—31% 
Retired—32%; professional/technical—16%; upper to middle management—18%; owner/partner—11%
Your interest in KIWANIS magazine as a market for your work is appreciated.
Jack Brockley
Managing Editor
KIWANIS Magazine
3636 Woodview Trace
Indianapolis, Indiana 46268 
(317) 875-8755, ext. 170

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